Don’t Be a Booer
When was the last time you were booed? Maybe it was a cutting remark from a co-worker. Maybe it was the snarky attitude of your teenager. Maybe it was the anonymous critic who sent a scathing email or posted a derogatory comment about you.
I only saw about 30 minutes of Sunday night’s Billboard Music Awards, but I watched enough to see Justin Beiber receive the Milestone Award. I’m not a “belieber” as some of his fans describe themselves, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for Justin as the room booed him when he took the stage.
I’m aware that Justin has allegedly done some stupid things lately. He’s 19. I’m pretty sure I did some stupid things at that age too and I’m certainly grateful I didn’t have a world’s stage for them to be showcased in front of.
As Beiber tried to find the words to say in that moment, I understood a smidge of his pain. No one likes to be booed. I don’t care who you are or how much you’ve accomplished. There is still a sensitive, fragile heart in there that is screaming to be accepted, loved, forgiven and extended grace.
We need good feedback in our lives. We need honest friends who will speak truth when we need it, but we don’t need boos from the crowd.
Don’t be a booer.
Speak truth, love, hope and grace to the people in your circle of influence!
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