Don't Underestimate Your Influence

Every moment matters.

I know you know that and yet, you don’t.

Or maybe you just forget.

I know that I forget.

Some moments don’t seem consequential.  Sometimes it’s the most mundane moments that conjure up the best memories.

I’m visiting family for a few days this week.  I only come back to my hometown about once a year.  Usually I stay so busy that I don’t allow myself to engage memories of the past.  I’ve never been terribly nostalgic.  I rarely long for what’s past.  I’m always focused on pressing forward.

There is good and bad to that mentality I suppose.

But this trip I’ve been reminded of significant moments.  Little points of influence that greatly impacted trajectory.

  • The day I walked into the local ice cream shop to inquire about a job.  A job that turned a boss into a mentor and a paycheck into a passion.  Some of my first leadership and management moments happened in that place.
  • The day I graduated high school and told my baby sister that she had to start using her alarm clock because I wouldn’t be there to wake her up every morning.  Little did I know that she spent the entire summer with the alarm clock by her pillow so that she would learn to hear it by the time school started.  We both grew up that day.

There are numerous others, but you get the point.

You never know when a moment is going to matter for more than the present.  Be alert.  Be engaged.  Look for moments that turn into memories.

You just never know when your influence is impacting someone or when someone’s influence is greatly impacting you.


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  • Delinda Layne July 5, 2013  

    Really excellent- We really should pay more attention. God can use us daily to make a difference.. and bring others into or lives to touch us- Thanks for sharing

  • Pingback: Moments Matter « WOW The WORLD! July 5, 2013  
  • Amy Hunt July 7, 2013  

    This speaks to me so profoundly this morning as I recall yesterday’s bumps and try to not let them make me hover for today. Even in my frustration, I trust He will use my influence. Your words lead me to His feet today and I’m grateful for this encouragement.