Bolivia Bound
Today I’m headed to Bolivia with some wonderful people led by a great team from Food for the Hungry.
We’ll spend this week seeing the work they’re doing in this South American country.
Yes, Bolivia is in South America in case you were wondering. I’m be honest, my 4th grade geography failed me on this one. I had to look it up.
I’m looking forward to this trip for a number of reasons:
1) It’s my first trip to South America. Another area of the world to explore!
2) A long flight. Call me crazy but I kind of like them. Hours of space to read, think, write, dream.
3) Good people. I’m traveling with some wonderful friends – Lindsey Nobles, Jennie Allen, Karen Yates – and getting to know several more.
4) Being a part of ministry that is not my job. When you work in full-time ministry it’s easy for all the ministry you do to be part of your job. There is no performance being measured on this trip. I simply get to love and serve.
and probably my favorite reason of all…
5) I’m not in charge! I don’t have to lead anything. I get to follow. I get to be a part of the team. Another refreshing experience that we as leaders must immerse ourselves in from time to time. I’ll probably have more reflections on that as the week progresses.
Please be praying for our team as we go. Prayer for safety and health. Apparently Bolivia has some high elevations so there is some concern of altitude sickness.
I’ll be sharing via twitter, instagram and here on the blog as I’m able, so I hope you’ll follow along!
Here’s a video of the work Food for the Hungry is doing in Bolivia:
Jenni, I am excited with you for your trip. Food for the Hungry is an incredible ministry. I know you will be stretched as God pours His vision for the people into your heart. I know that He will use you and the team to carry His love, compassion and insight as you learn from the leaders and the people. I will pray for you and the team.