What's Your Speed?

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Ok, it’s time to get back to work.  Christmas and New Year’s Day are officially over and reality sets back in.  All those audacious goals you drafted on January 2nd now need to start becoming reality.

But for most of us it’s cold – actually really cold -and dreary.  It’s now the dead of winter.  It doesn’t help that the snowpocalypse they were calling for only turned into a light dusting.

Unmet expectations abound. 

I didn’t start that diet or the cleanse my body desperately needs.

My running routine is all off kilter because it’s so stinkin’ cold outside!

The Christmas decorations are mostly put away but my house is still recovering from 15 family members who descended for a week.

I had such high hopes of being refreshed and energized for the New Year but still feel like I’m racing to catch up with life.

Can you relate?

So here’s the issue…

You’re the leader.  You set the tone for your team.  How you react, respond and engage directly affects how your team engages this New Year too.

“Speed of the leader, speed of the team” ~ Bill Hybels from his book Axiom

What’s your speed?

If you’re not motivated, no one else will be either.

Perhaps you’re recharged and ready for the New Year, if so, good for you!  Figure out the rhythms you need in your schedule to help you stay connected to the motivation you have.

If you’re playing a bit of catch up like I am, carve out some time this week to allow yourself to dream.  Let go of the guilt of the expectations already unmet, let the house live with a little clutter and take a few extra minutes to dream some audacious dreams and set some audacious goals.

Your team needs you.  They need your focus, energy, purposefulness and vision.

Accelerate into this New Year with great hope and purpose!

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One comment

  • James R January 7, 2014  

    This is a fantastic and challenging topic. I will be mindful of my speed this new year. I’ve never really heard it put this way before. Thanks Jenni

    Your friends down under @ Glow Church – http://www.glowchurch.com.au