Lessons I'm Learning About Leaving


I haven’t left many jobs in my life thus far.  I commit to jobs like I commit to relationships – selectively and with the intention of forever.

But jobs are rarely meant to be forever.  They change with seasons.

The winds have changed and it’s time to move on, and I’m trying to move on with the grace, poise and confidence of my Disney hero.

I’m received some wonderful advice from friends who have navigated the winds of change ahead of me and so I thought I would share with you what I’m learning and how I’m trying live out this season of change.

1) Be respectful.  Show respect to your leaders.  Seek to honor them. Praise them.  Thank them.

2) Celebrate others. Focus on celebrating the team you served with.  Remind them of the gifts and strengths you see in them and encourage them to keep using their gifts to serve the organization.  Your parting words of affirmation can be life-giving.

3) Cherish the moments. Absorb every “thank you”, every encouraging word, every memory reminisced, every fun story retold.  Know that your time made an impact and carry that with you.

4) Process. Mourn. Feel. Reflect.  Don’t be in a hurry to move on.  You’ve invested yourself into something you deemed significant.  Let yourself process, mourn, feel and reflect on the joys and accomplishments of that season.

5) Let the wind carry you to your next adventure.  You just never know what is awaiting you there!


What have you learned about leaving well?

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  • Delinda Layne January 31, 2014  

    Beautifully said– Blessings to you walk thru the doors that God has waiting for you!

    In answer to your question… I have had Many ‘leavings’ as God continues to move me from place to place… Your lessons above are great and right on… One lesson I’ll add is to Embrace the change… it makes the steps easier and puts you in a mental place of looking forward with anticipation … and not behind.

    • jennicatron February 1, 2014  

      Thank you, Delinda… “embrace the change” is a great addition to the list. I will add that to my processing!

  • Cyndee January 31, 2014  

    Jenni we just spent 2 1/2 years in KY to return to a new city in familiar NC. I agree with Delinda – my prayer became “God help me to embrace your plan for us”. I am so grateful God allowed me the opportunity to transition two ministry roles to the two women who God had called into those roles. I consider it a gift (especially after having left a ministry position empty 2 1/2 years prior).
    One piece of advice, don’t put off things you want to do, you will run out of time. Go have lunch with that girlfriend, write that note, eat at that restaurant, etc.
    May God smooth the path before you as you transition.

    • jennicatron February 1, 2014  

      Thanks for that advice Cyndee!

  • Gina Womack Hawkins February 1, 2014  

    So beautifully and perfectedly said.

  • turner_bethany February 3, 2014  

    These are perfect. And I love Mary Poppins too!