Summer Reading Plan
Hi everyone!
I hope your summer is off to a great start. I love this time of year… the end of the school year, the start of vacations. My instagram feed is full of pictures of beaches and big smiles.
For the summer months here on the blog, I’ve decided to take a little vacation too. I’m still getting settled in my new place plus I’m feverishly working on my next book manuscript. With all of that going on, I’m not posting anything terribly inspiring or original. Sorry about that!
So there’s my plan:
Every week throughout the summer I’m going to feature a book and do a book giveaway.
Summer is a great time to rejuvenate, so let’s rejuvenate our minds with some great reading!
We’ll kick off with one my favorite leadership books, The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day: Revitalize Your Spirit and Empower Your Leadership. I read it almost every year. It’s structured in devotional style so it’s easy to absorb in small doses. Perfect for your summer schedule!
In the comments, share what you’re learning about leadership right now. I’ll randomly select a winner this Friday, June 13th.
I’m learning that I will not be completely ready for my next jump in leadership, and this is okay. It’s actually normal.
We’re never really prepared are we?
I’m learning that leadership starts with the heart. Knowing the “why” of leadership precedes the “what” and “how” of leadership. Ken Blanchard’s “Lead Like Jesus” is a great book that has reinforced me that concept.
That’s such a great framework, Paul!
What I’m learning really came out of seeing a tweet/instagram you put out one day “The real task of leadership is giving it away”. My desire is to see that flesh itself out this summer even more in a group of staff wives I lead (I’m a lead pastor’s wife) as they lead those that are on their teams as well. Such power and freedom in giving it away to see others soar. We are going through “CLOUT” together this summer and so excited!
Amy, love that you’re leading this group. I’ll be praying for you! Do you have the study guide for Clout?
Hi Jeni, (don’t put me in the drawing) My wife recently read this one and really gained a lot of great info from it. Hopefully I can get around to it soon 🙂
I’ve always been pretty big on servant leadership.
My mentor and I are doing an intensive study on Servant Leadership and what Jesus taught his disciples about serving others.
I think I intellectually knew the impact of serving, but my eyes are opening to the profound nature of servant-hood.
We are not true leaders if we don’t uplift, empower, and serve those who are following us. It’s about them, not us.
“It’s about them, not us.” Love that, Marty! Thank you.
I am learning that I just simply cannot and will not ever be able to please everyone!
🙁 Ugh….
One aspect of leadership I’ve been learning and processing quite a bit recently has been that leadership starts with self-leadership. I can’t lead others to a place where I’m not at already, I can’t teach and coach others if I’m not already doing it, I can’t share personal experiences if I haven’t walked through them. Any impact of my leadership is an overflow of what God is doing in and through me…so it begs the question, “Am I surrendered to what He’s doing in me?” Although God’s entrusted leadership to us, the goal isn’t to be leaders, it is to be faithful disciples of Christ first and foremost.
Love your heart and perspective, Karleen. Thank you.
Leadership is contextual. You need to have a deep awareness of your culture (both organizationally and communally) in order to effectively develop leadership in yourself and others. There is a uniqueness of people, organizations, communities, and regions that must be considered in moving forward.
Steve, this is so true. Thanks for making this great point.
I’m learning that leadership is just as much about self awareness as it is about other awareness. While I’m looking out, others are looking in at me so I must be fully present with them. It’s hard to not look ahead and think about next steps but there are times when a group needs their leader to just be still with them.
I am learning that leadership takes a significant amount of time “listening” to God so I lead as God wants me to lead for a particular group not follow a current trend or program that someone else is doing.
Nancy, and I find this so difficult to do. The more we lead, the more time I think we need alone with God but the more we lead, the more demands pull us away from that alone/listening time.
Leadership is about allowing others to shine. It’s listening while others spin ideas. I have to model those techniques before I can expect people to lead well.
“allowing others to shine” – love this Mary!
I’ve learned very quickly that leadership requires humility and a willingness to serve others. Two of the simplest things that Jesus modeled for us in His ministry, yet it’s still quite easy to forget. All the glory is owed to God!
So true!
I have learned that leading begins with following, but not just following anyone. Following Jesus is a life lesson in how to lead. Our lives are an open account of our beliefs and convictions. If we follow Jesus, and the instructions He gives, others will want to follow our lead. Teaching others to be followers in Christ, by letting our life lead them there, is the most important role we have in leadership.
Thank you for the reminder of this critical perspective, Elaine.