Summer Reading: Fly A Little Higher

The story moved me before I even read it.

Zach Sobiech, just a typical teenage boy living a not-so-typical teenage life.


Fly a Little Higher: How God Answered One Mom’s Small Prayer in a Big Way is Laura Sobiech’s story of watching her son live his last days.  Zach and his entire family chose to make their tragedy not about themselves but about how they could inspire others (they understood their CLOUT).

Zach once said, “I want to be known as the kid who went down fighting and didn’t really lose.”  Once you read this one, I think you’ll agree that Zach reached that goal and then some.


I have a copy of the book to give away.

In the comments, share with us the story of someone you know who in spite of personal tragedy has stayed focusing on loving and serving others. 

I’ll pick a winner this Friday, 7/11

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  • Mike Asbury July 8, 2014  

    My niece, by marriage, Kristen Fischer, lived a long life (comparatively speaking) to age 21 with Cystic Fibrosis. Always an optimist, she was a leader in the University of Tennessee Baptist Student Union, a leader in her church, High Places Community Church in Oak Ridge, TN, and somewhat of a prayer warrior. She always wore a smile, despite her frequent hospital stays and chronic illness. During her last hospital stay, she was due for surgery. With her family surrounding her hospital bed, she said very simply “If I wake up, I get to see you. If I don’t, I get to see Jesus. Either way, I win.” She did, in fact, win that day. She woke to see Jesus. Kristen was truly remarkable.

    • Jenni Catron July 12, 2014  

      Beautiful, Mike. Thank you for sharing Kristen’s story.

  • Mandy Kavanaugh July 8, 2014  

    My father has been a pastor for 38+ years. During his years in ministry there have been many highs, but there have also been some tough lows. I’ve watched him walk with integrity through two different ministry situations that cost him his job…and once resulted in losing everything he and my mother owned. That was ten years ago and despite that he is still faithfully pastoring with no bitterness or animosity toward the church.

    In November 2013 we learned that my dad had stage 4 prostate cancer that metastasized to his bones from head to toe. His cancer is terminal but to extend his prognosis he is undergoing chemo. He hasn’t complained once and he hasn’t missed a single opportunity to keep serving the people of his congregation. It is amazing to watch his selfless attitude remain steady and, in fact, getting stronger.

    As if fighting cancer isn’t bad enough, he is doing so with no health insurance. My parents never recovered financially from losing everything ten years ago. Most people would give up or lose faith…but not my dad. I’m watching the level of his generosity to others increase. It is truly amazing. I can only hope to be half the woman in ministry that my dad has been.

    • Jenni Catron July 12, 2014  

      Mandy, what an inspiration. Praying for every moment to be treasured with your dad.

  • Jessica Martens July 8, 2014  

    My grandpa passed away 7 years ago this year. This man was instrumental in my faith. He was a pastor and missionary before I even entered the world. He planted churches all along the upper west coast of the US and into Canada. Planted a church in the Yukon where I grew up. Grandpa was diagnosed with acute leukaemia soon after he moved to British Columbia to live closer to my family. He suffered greatly in the hospital but was joyful and wanting to show the love of Christ wherever he went. He told the nurses daily how much Jesus loved them and was always checking to see if they knew it. I was pregnant with my first born child and he with my grandma prayed a blessing over my child in my womb. I will never forget that day. I am truly grateful for who he was to me and to the rest of my family.

    • Jenni Catron July 12, 2014  

      Jessica, how precious! What a wonderful legacy. Thank you for sharing.