Woman of Influence – Guest Blogger 'Tam'

I am so excited about today’s Wednesday Women of Influence post because a dear blogging friend agreed to be our guest blogger for the day! Tam has been such an inspiration to me.  Her joy, passion for ministry and love for life is contagious! Check out her great perspective on the lives of Ruth and […]

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Woman of Influence – Guest Blogger ‘Tam’

I am so excited about today’s Wednesday Women of Influence post because a dear blogging friend agreed to be our guest blogger for the day! Tam has been such an inspiration to me.  Her joy, passion for ministry and love for life is contagious! Check out her great perspective on the lives of Ruth and […]

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Wednesday Woman of Influence

I’m a bit late with my Wednesday Woman of Influence post. I had intended to write about a group of women that I’m working on a project with at Cross Point, but our meeting was postponed so I’ll circle back to tell you more about them soon. So in the meantime, I would like to […]

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