Catron House Wars – Valentine’s Day Edition


Merlyn and I have been married or dating for at least 13 Valentine’s Days, but I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve actually exchanged any gifts (or even cards) for this holiday.  I’ll admit, it was truly a Catron House War for me in the early days.  “Gifts” is one of my love languages… not so much for Merlyn.  And this can create big tension on this gloriously over-dramatized day.

My perspective: Any excuse is a good excuse to give someone a gift.

His perspective: Hallmark and florists are just trying to make a buck, so he refuses to give in to the marketing of it. 🙂

And so, we don’t usually do very much for Valentine’s Day.  I’ve adjusted my expectations over the years and we’ve learned to just have fun hanging out.  The pressure is off to do anything dramatic on this day.  I have no idea what we are doing tonight.  Probably making dinner at home and watching a movie.  I just might coerce him to watch a chick flick though. 🙂

So, how are you spending Valentine’s Day?

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  • Ron Edmondson February 14, 2009  

    I’m with Merlyn. This day is just commercial. I also know, however, that Cheryl sees the day differently than I do. Thankfully she’s not into token gifts of flowers, cards, or even candy. She is into attention, so I’ll need to give her plenty of that today.

    Of course, she started her day hanging out with a friend, but I’m sure that won’t release me of responsibility for the day.

  • Melissa February 14, 2009  

    I am the rare female who agrees with Merlyn. When Jad and I were dating, I loved any gifts he wanted to give me. Now that we are married, I would rather spend the money on other things. We will probably cook dinner in or go eat Mexican. 🙂

  • Miranda February 14, 2009  

    I love your philosophy! I just sent my sis a package of goodies in the mail cause she broke up with her boyfriend! lol!
    I hope you guys have fun tonight! Jason and his dad are cooking steaks for us to celebrate v-day and my b-day!

  • ash February 14, 2009  

    i have a date to pick up my valentine at the airport at 9 pm! this is the first v-day in 4 years that we will actually even see each other. my thing is, instead of worrying about expressing love on a contrived holiday, we should be putting effort toward loving each other every day. however, I am a sucker for the occasional sweet note, email or intentional date night (in or out)! so i’m pretty stuck in the middle on this one!

  • Katie Gordon February 14, 2009  

    We are probably one of the rare couples that treats this day as “just another day”. I haven’t always felt that way, but I’ve come to enjoy the gifts and special attention that are out of the blue and unexpected more…instead of my husband being reminded that he should show me he loves me on this certain day. I think we may just rent a movie tonight to watch after the kids are in bed!

  • Rindy Walton February 14, 2009  

    I’m babysitting for some friends who are short on cash so they can go out…and “anonymously” funded the dinner…but don’t tell!! 😉

    I love this stuff!!!

  • Ladybird February 14, 2009  

    The three of us are just haning out at the house like any other night. Kyle and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day other than a big hug and kiss.

  • tabitha February 14, 2009  

    I used to expect a romantic dinner for Valentine’s Day when we were first married but we weren’t able to find a babysitter so I’d be bummed.

    Then I realized I could have a romantic dinner with my husband just about any day of the year so that’s what we started doing. So basically, we don’t do anything.

    That said, our previous church hosts a marriage getaway every year as close to Valentine’s weekend as they can. So that was last night and today. We watched a DVD series “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” by Mark Gungor.

    They purposely don’t fill the time with lots of talk so that we can have fun and relax. That’s what we did.

  • Melissa Irwin February 15, 2009  

    I prefer not to receive a card composed by Hallmark or candies….but I do love the idea of my Valentine surprising me with something “different”. Yesterday we got a babysitter, Joe and I went to the movies and went out for sushi. It was a daytime date, and we were eager to get back home to the kids….but it was nice to have some quality time together! This morning from work he sent me a sweet email….oh and yesterday he gave me a rose….. so I am a happy girl!

  • Just the mere thought of Merlyn saying that CRACKS ME UP!!!! I can literally HEAR him in my head….awww…. I love him!!!!!

  • tam February 16, 2009  

    i bought brent a blender.

    he bought me a coffee. not a coffee maker. not my own personal barista. a coffee. a cup of coffee.

    hes a winner.

    no, seriously!