Sunday Highlights

We continued the “Hope Now” series today at Cross Point Nashville with “Hope for your Marriage” showcasing the powerful story of Justin & Trisha Davis.  The entire message was on video this week and interspersed the Davis’ story with teaching segments from Pete.  I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house today.  […]

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The Big Ten

It seems like just yesterday I was preparing to walk down the aisle to say “I do”. I remember that day so vividly. I remember sitting in the bride’s room with my wedding dress straddled over a kid’s chair so that it wouldn’t get crumbled while I wrote checks for the last few expenses of […]

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Catron House Wars – The Rebuttal

This weekend I posted an edition of Catron House Wars discussing our grocery shopping habits.  My sweet husband wrote a rebuttal that I thought was only fair to post. Enjoy! Well, well, well…I see that my wife has taken advantage of the fact that I don’t always read all her blog postings to slide in […]

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Catron House Wars – Grocery Shopping

It never ceases to amaze me how different Merlyn and I are even after 10 years of marriage.  We grew up with pretty different family circumstances so we developed different philosophies on family life. Grocery shopping is one thing that Merlyn and I have completely different philosophies on. My approach: Make a list, shop for […]

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Catron House Wars – Valentine's Day Edition

Merlyn and I have been married or dating for at least 13 Valentine’s Days, but I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve actually exchanged any gifts (or even cards) for this holiday.  I’ll admit, it was truly a Catron House War for me in the early days.  “Gifts” is one of […]

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Catron House Wars – Valentine’s Day Edition

Merlyn and I have been married or dating for at least 13 Valentine’s Days, but I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve actually exchanged any gifts (or even cards) for this holiday.  I’ll admit, it was truly a Catron House War for me in the early days.  “Gifts” is one of […]

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Standard Features

Merlyn and I were having a conversation the other night that got me thinking… Me: What special things do you wish that I did for you? (Please note, this was a “G” rated conversation.) I was thinking he would say cook dinner, watch TV with him, go camping with him, etc. Oh no, he drops […]

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Catron House Wars

There has been a battling waging in the Catron house lately. I have been accused of being a thief. A thief of the covers during the night. I live with a detective, so he can make a pretty compelling case, HOWEVER I have proof that I am not the thief that he claims…. Please note […]

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9 years and counting!

Today Merlyn and I celebrate our 9th anniversary!  Honestly I can’t believe I’m really old enough to be married that long, but I’m thankful that he has been willing to put up with me for all these years. Merlyn lets me shine… and he’s completely comfortable with that.  He lets me follow my dreams.  He […]

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