Tony Morgan "Killing Cockroaches" Tour Session 2
1) Are people hearing the message and experiencing life change.
It doesn’t just suffice for us to share God’s word. We have to make sure people understand it.
Questions to ask ourselves:
- What do people need to know?
- What do people need to do?
2) Are the next steps clearly defined?
Have we created too many options? Too many ministry programs and events for people to choose from creates confusion and people don’t know what the next step is.
Complexity Creep – loss of focus, drifting from the original vision
Growing, healthy churches are very intentional about staying very focused.
We confuse activity with results. More activity doesn’t necessary give us results, especially in regard to spiritual growth.
If people aren’t becoming more like Jesus, we’re doing the wrong stuff.
Who do we want people to be and how do we get there?
As a church, you should have a clearly defined discipleship strategy.
3) Are the next steps clearly communicated?
There is so much communication we’re not communicating anything clearly.
Our ministries are competing with each other.
Ministries grow, not by promoting them, but by creating better experiences where people connect with one another and grow in their relationship with Christ.
Luke 11 – Jesus talking to the ministry leaders of that day
Are we impacting the lives of people and creating followers of Christ or just creating impossible religious demands?
Thank you Tony for investing in us as church leaders today!
Jenni – Thanks for posting these today.
had a great time today – thanks for hosting!
It was so good to meet you face to face! I look forward to a better time of sit-down! Thanks for hosting the event (and sharing the password!)
I did get to live-blog — but my notes aren’t as pretty as yours!
One note… several on our team went on a “well, let’s go to this one to hush Faye up” mentality (including the pastor!) However, HE called a leadership meeting for MONDAY evening to go over what we learned yesterday. I am so excited, I’m just beside myself!
Thanks again! (And don’t be surprised if I don’t contact you for assistance here & there!)