Easter Is Over… Now What?

For those of you in full-time church ministry, you likely are experiencing a bit of an Easter hangover. Easter weekend included additional services, increased attendance, extra events, more production – every aspect of ministry was in overdrive for the biggest weekend of the church calendar. Now what? Frankly, you and your team are tired.  You’ve been […]

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FREE Webinar – Leadership Pipeline: The Role of a Leader

Even before I began working in full-time ministry, I loved serving the local church. My husband and I were newly married, I was crisscrossing the country traveling for my job in the music business and yet we still made it a priority to volunteer at the new church plant which we were excited to be […]

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I Don’t Like to Fight

I didn’t get into ministry to fight this battle. I’m not one to stir things up and I really don’t enjoy invoking criticism or argument. But… After 5 years of ministry, the fact that I’m a woman in a high level church leadership position occasionally raises some eyebrows.  I’ll be honest.  I took my job […]

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I Don't Like to Fight

I didn’t get into ministry to fight this battle. I’m not one to stir things up and I really don’t enjoy invoking criticism or argument. But… After 5 years of ministry, the fact that I’m a woman in a high level church leadership position occasionally raises some eyebrows.  I’ll be honest.  I took my job […]

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Feeling the Fall

For those of you in church leadership, I suspect you’re feeling the intensity of the busy fall season.  I’ve only been in full time ministry a little over four years but it didn’t take long to realize that the fall is one of our “crazy busy seasons”.  As everyone settles back into the routine of […]

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Church Lady

I’m a chick in church leadership. Yep, there I said it.  Kinda stating the obvious I know, but I’ve been dragging my feet about really engaging this topic. I have such a passion for gender to not be the polarizing issue that it tends to be in the church and yet I’ve been afraid to […]

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