What I’m Looking Forward To
For a little Friday Fun I thought I would share with you what I’m looking forward to…
- the homemade chocolate chip cookies and cup of tea I’m about to devour while I write this
- putting the finishing touches on my guest room that I’ve been remodeling
- spending Sunday at Cross Point North
- finishing the 2010 budgets that are looming over my head
- Cross Point’s 7th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Gala
- hanging out with Lindsey on Sunday afternoon
- co-hosting showers for Ashley and baby Audrey
- the release of New Moon
- hosting Thanksgiving at my house and cooking with my sister
- Christmas decorating, baking, shopping
What are you looking forward to?
in Other
I am looking forward to hanging out with you too.
a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal
seeing the ocean
being with my nieces Christmas morning
watching one of my best friends walk down the aisle in May
seeing what God has in store for me
Reading YOUR post…. always always always LOVE IT!!
BTW, those cookies look YUMMMMMY!!!
I host a traditional “Sunday Before” Thanksgiving dinner every year at my house. I enjoy cooking and I usually do the majority of it myself. My parents usually don’t come for this but this year they are. You have put this in a whole different perspective for me. I can look forward to and enjoy cooking “with” my mom instead of feeling like I have to do it all myself. Thanks, Jenny.
Lori King