Friday Fun – Connect with Your Inner Teenager

This post is coming a little late this weekend because my big Friday Fun carried over into the wee hours.  Yes, the wee hours!  I actually went to the 10:00 PM showing of “New Moon” last night.  I know… call me crazy! 🙂  I’m rarely still awake at 10 PM, let alone just going to […]

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What I'm Looking Forward To

For a little Friday Fun I thought I would share with you what I’m looking forward to… the homemade chocolate chip cookies and cup of tea I’m about to devour while I write this putting the finishing touches on my guest room that I’ve been remodeling spending Sunday at Cross Point North finishing the 2010 […]

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What I’m Looking Forward To

For a little Friday Fun I thought I would share with you what I’m looking forward to… the homemade chocolate chip cookies and cup of tea I’m about to devour while I write this putting the finishing touches on my guest room that I’ve been remodeling spending Sunday at Cross Point North finishing the 2010 […]

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Dreary Monday

Woke up to rain again this morning.   It was pretty dreary all weekend and I was really hoping for some sunshine to get the week off to a good start.  Oh well.  Speaking of weekend, here are some of the highlights for me: Ran 10 miles – furthest I’ve ever run. Went out for dinner and […]

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