Who Are You?

What’s your brand? In my former job I spent the majority of my time developing brand identities for artists.  I worked hard to determine the unique characteristics of the individual musician/band/singer and then figured out how to market that to set them apart from the rest of their competitors.  It was a fascinating, sometimes frustrating […]

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Quit Juggling and Start Cultivating!

Today was our second event for Cultivate Her and we had an amazing time! I’ve never seen so many ladies that eager to be up at 7AM!! Our topic for today was discovering your strengths (based upon Strengths Finder). As leaders, I believe it’s so critical that we do the tough work of understanding ourselves […]

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The Leadership of Letting Go

In less than 12 hours I fly out of the country on a ten day trip.  And rather than being excited about getting away with my husband for a much needed vacation, I’m freakishly trying to make sure I’ve crossed all my t’s and dotted all my i’s.  I’m sure the staff are about fed […]

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Sunday Catch Up

We’ve been talking about Dream Job: What You Do Matters at Cross Point the last few weeks. But this series has been less about finding that elusive “dream job” and more about understanding your unique giftedness, how God has wired you and how to be about that rather than identifying yourself with a specific job. […]

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It's Conference Time!

I can’t help it.  I really enjoy conferences. Perhaps it’s because “Input” is one of my top 5 strengths according to “Strengths Finder” or perhaps it’s because I feed off of the energy created by a room or arena filled with a bunch of people who are passionate about the same things I am. Whatever […]

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It’s Conference Time!

I can’t help it.  I really enjoy conferences. Perhaps it’s because “Input” is one of my top 5 strengths according to “Strengths Finder” or perhaps it’s because I feed off of the energy created by a room or arena filled with a bunch of people who are passionate about the same things I am. Whatever […]

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I'm going to become a hermit…

I’m borderline hermit material anyway, given my deep need for alone time, but I think I could hole up for a year and never catch up on all the reading and studying that I want to do.  I’m high “Input” on the StrengthsFinder assessment (which basically means I love information), so that doesn’t help this issue […]

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I’m going to become a hermit…

I’m borderline hermit material anyway, given my deep need for alone time, but I think I could hole up for a year and never catch up on all the reading and studying that I want to do.  I’m high “Input” on the StrengthsFinder assessment (which basically means I love information), so that doesn’t help this issue […]

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