Stupid Business

As a person who is responsible for creating systems and processes for an organization, I try to be gracious with other companies and organizations when they aren’t getting it quite right.  But after my experience with US Airways last week and then hearing other similar stories I couldn’t help but share what I believe to […]

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Full Circle

My friend Kat wrote this great article the other day and it was worth repeating.  Kat is the author of a publication called “The Daily Verse” that delivers a scripture with Kat’s commentary to your inbox each day.  You can subscribe HERE. Full Circle Everything is coming around full circle. That seems to be the […]

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Ranting about The Curse

It’s house cleaning day today and I think I’ve decided that dirt and dust are two of my biggest frustrations with The Curse/The Fall. Seriously, there are only two adults in this house… well, and one dog who does contribute his share of mess but he’s not that nasty as far as dogs go.  We […]

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What’s the One Thing?

I couldn’t decide what to post tonight.  Everything felt too serious so I thought I would lighten it up… What’s the ONE THING you want to know about me? Ask away… I’m not promising I’ll answer them all, but we’ll see!

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What's the One Thing?

I couldn’t decide what to post tonight.  Everything felt too serious so I thought I would lighten it up… What’s the ONE THING you want to know about me? Ask away… I’m not promising I’ll answer them all, but we’ll see!

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Are you KIDding me?

I get this question all the time “when are you guys going to have kids?” The simple answer is that we haven’t had the desire to have kids and we don’t want to have children unless we feel confident that that is a role that God has designed us for.  (I recently asked my husband […]

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Got me thinkin'

I was thinking about this today… Build a brand that your successor will be proud to inherit, not one that they need to blow up and rebuild. What kinds of brands are you building?  Are you investing yourself into things that others want to be a part of?

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Got me thinkin’

I was thinking about this today… Build a brand that your successor will be proud to inherit, not one that they need to blow up and rebuild. What kinds of brands are you building?  Are you investing yourself into things that others want to be a part of?

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Chapman Family Loss

[youtube=] I have been wrestling with this story all day. I can’t imagine the pain. I can’t imagine the loss. I can’t find a way to help with the hurt. I wish that I could. The only thing I know to do is to PRAY. To pray for the Chapmans… To pray for the people […]

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