Sunday Highlights

Yesterday we continued our series “People of the Second Chance” and Justin spoke about the elder brother in the story from Luke 15.  I knew this one was going to get me because I have a tendency to be more like the elder brother rather than the prodigal son.  Prepare to say “ouch” a few […]

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You Win!

I’m excited to announce the winners of my little giveaway this week! Thanks to my friend Rachel over at INO Records, these five fabulous folks win a copy of Sara Groves’ new CD “Fireflies and Songs”: GritandGlory Jessi Linnae Kori Amart62 Hope you guys enjoy! **Please email your mailing address to me at

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Giveaway Time!

It’s been a long time since we’ve given anything away around here… too long! So today, for anyone who leaves a comment you’ll be entered to win 1 of 5 copies of: Sara Groves‘ newest album “Fireflies & Songs” I’ve been living with this album for a couple of weeks now and it just keeps […]

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Sunday Highlights

Pursuing Financial Wisdom by Pete Wilson People who don’t have wisdom usually don’t know they don’t have it. Proverbs… Reminds us that sin is stupid. Gives us a vision of the good life. 3 Questions to Ponder About Your Money: 1) Do you see your money as a tool to bless others? Proverbs 14:31 Proverbs […]

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A God-Sized Leap

C H I C A G O! Something about that skyline just makes me smile.  I love big cities.  The energy, congestion, never-rest intensity and culture of big cities inspires me. But big cities also overwhelm me… the sheer number of searching souls, the people you pass by on the street corners, the eccentric individual […]

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What I Hate About the Store I Love

Dear Teavana, I’m a regular.  I love your store.  I go there frequently and I purchase a lot of tea. I have most of your tea gadgets and gizmos. I give tea to friends as gifts. I introduce people to you all the time. Any yet, every time I come to your store I’m treated […]

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I have a recurring dream… I dream that I am crossing the English Channel on a crazy stunt-filled, adrenaline jolting, Ninja warrior-type obstacle course.  Yeah, I’m flying through the air with the greatest of ease. It’s always pretty funny when I wake up, but in the dream it’s the most intense, nerve-racking thing I’ve experienced. […]

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You Don't Get It!

I recently had a meeting with a couple people from a company (that shall remain nameless) and we were discussing target consumer.  It occurred to me after a bit of discussion that these guys really, truly believe they know who their customer is and how to communicate to them, but the entire time I’m thinking […]

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You Don’t Get It!

I recently had a meeting with a couple people from a company (that shall remain nameless) and we were discussing target consumer.  It occurred to me after a bit of discussion that these guys really, truly believe they know who their customer is and how to communicate to them, but the entire time I’m thinking […]

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