Sunday Highlights

The KidStuff Christmas programs took place at both campuses today.  I had the privilege of being at the Dickson campus.  Here are a few pics: I love how our teenagers were involved in the program too! And this one is my favorite.  I know it’s a bit blurry, but check out how baby Jesus’ head […]

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You Don’t Get It!

I recently had a meeting with a couple people from a company (that shall remain nameless) and we were discussing target consumer.  It occurred to me after a bit of discussion that these guys really, truly believe they know who their customer is and how to communicate to them, but the entire time I’m thinking […]

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You Don't Get It!

I recently had a meeting with a couple people from a company (that shall remain nameless) and we were discussing target consumer.  It occurred to me after a bit of discussion that these guys really, truly believe they know who their customer is and how to communicate to them, but the entire time I’m thinking […]

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Sunday Highlights

Another great Sunday at Cross Point Nashville! We had a little campus cross representation today with Dave Parker, our worship leader at the Dickson campus, leading at the Nashville campus and Jarrod Morris, our Nashville campus leader, leading at the Dickson campus. It was also a bit of a family day for me.  My husband […]

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Sunday Highlights

Every few weeks I head to our Cross Point Dickson campus to spend the day worshiping, and each time I visit I get so excited about what God is doing at this campus. Here are some of the things I love about the Dickson campus: All the families.  Dickson is a community of young families.  […]

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And They're Off!

One of the things that I love about our church is our commitment to missions… local, regional and foreign.  We do a host of things throughout the year that are missions related but today a team of 26 people from Cross Point are on their way to Santiago in the Dominican Republic to continue construction […]

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And They’re Off!

One of the things that I love about our church is our commitment to missions… local, regional and foreign.  We do a host of things throughout the year that are missions related but today a team of 26 people from Cross Point are on their way to Santiago in the Dominican Republic to continue construction […]

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Sunday Recap

Here are a couple of quick highlights from Pete‘s message today. For those of you who know Pete, his preferred method of communicating is one-on-one, so today he shared with us the things that he would say to you if he had the chance to sit down one-on-one over coffee and chat. I always love […]

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