Easter Sunday Highlights

It’s the Monday after.  Hope is restored.  Lives are changed. Easter never gets old.  God’s story of redemption is still amazingly powerful.  We had an incredible weekend at all of our campuses. HE IS RISEN INDEED! 3 Words that Changed Everything by Pete Wilson Easter is about remembering and worshiping the only hope capable of […]

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Sunday Highlights

Inside Out by Pete Wilson Matthew 5:17, 21-24, 27-30 Jesus isn’t so much about religion as he is about reality. God is not glorified by you reluctantly submitting to rules but rather by joyfully submitting to him. That’s what we do with Christianity.  We boil it down to a few things that we reluctantly do. […]

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Sunday Highlights

Your Greatest Temptation by Pete Wilson Luke 14:25-27 Jesus makes a distinction between salvation and discipleship. Salvation is about coming to the cross and trusting Jesus. Discipleship is about carrying the cross and following Jesus. Luke 10:27 John 15:17 Jesus is using hyperbole to make a point.  He’s exaggerating in these scriptures to make the […]

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Sunday Highlights

The Most Important Question by Pete Wilson The single most important question you’ll ever ask in your life is… Who is Jesus? This question has been asked and debated since Jesus lived here on Earth. Examples in scripture where who Jesus was, was questioned:  John 8:48, Mark 3:21, Matthew 16, Matthew 28 Most of us […]

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Sunday Highlights

The Pursuit of Purity by Pete Wilson Proverbs 1:22-23 Sex was part of God’s design from the very beginning. Sex is a gift that God has given us. God did not design sex just for procreation, but also for our enjoyment. Proverbs gives us warnings on how to not abuse sex and not take it […]

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Sunday Highlights

It was a crazy weekend for us at Cross Point. Nashville had around 4-6 inches of snow this weekend so everyone has been pretty hunkered down.  Most local churches were closed, but we opted to keep the doors open and I’m so glad we did. Each of our campuses made some adjustments to make the […]

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Sunday Highlights

We had a great day at all of our campuses today!  We continued the “Pursuit” series and were challenged by Pete to “Pursue Community”.  Each of our campuses had community group leaders on site to help answer questions and connect people with a group.  Between all the campuses we have over 50 new groups ready […]

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Sunday Highlights

Pursuing Financial Wisdom by Pete Wilson People who don’t have wisdom usually don’t know they don’t have it. Proverbs… Reminds us that sin is stupid. Gives us a vision of the good life. 3 Questions to Ponder About Your Money: 1) Do you see your money as a tool to bless others? Proverbs 14:31 Proverbs […]

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Sunday Highlights

My Prayer for You by Pete Wilson Matthew 6:25-30 Three things that I am praying for you this year: 1) That you’ll have a great faith I’m praying that there is one area of your life that you’ll step out and trust God in a big way.  That you’ll face something that completely terrifies you. […]

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